I wanna share my experience of Good Friday. A mixture of joy, and at the end…du lan. No lessons on Good Friday…damn happy, so we decided to make it a horror movie marathon at Charlton’s place. The day before rented a few movies, with us finally choosing the 1973 Exorcist and a few other cds.
At Charlton’s, it was like heaven. Food was abundant, and damn, the entertainment was good. Oh, it rained by the way. It rains every Good Friday, or so I think. Charlton’s mum was a very very very gracious host, and I can’t stress that enough. Let me see…was it 4 pizzas? Or 5? Anyway we ate it all…absolutely devoured the whole thing. While eating, we watched the exorcist. It wasn’t a scary movie, and I didn’t know what the fuss was all about. According to them the whole cast of the movie died, but we later found that to be untrue. Only 2 of them died.
Ok, so the movie. It was slow, not scary, but creepy. Jit Hin as usual was watching the whole movie with his hands in front of his eyes. I couldn’t help but scare him after a few scenes. He would get his revenge. More of that later…. Anyway the creepiest scene was the part where the little girl who was possessed by the demon spider-walked (means walking with all fours on the ground, facing upwards) down the stairs. The other creepy scene was when she turned her head 180 degree to talk to the priest.
Bei Er didn’t seem to be scared at all, while Perret seemed more concerned with the messages he received. Nathan, Bei Er and Perret left just after we finished the exorcist, which was the same time Manfred reached.
By now we didn’t know what to do, so we watched Silent Hill. It’s an ok movie la, and Jit Hin did manage to get his revenge. Watching the small girl in the film turn around, he suddenly screamed into my faced ‘oh my god!!!’. My instant reaction was WTF, so I screamed…yeah, quite loud.
We didn’t finish watching the whole thing, so we went to the attic to play F.E.A.R (a stupid game with a girl ghost in it) and just hang about. Charlton and Jit Hin were damn afraid of walking up the steps alone, and Jit Hin even screamed when I…well I just boo-ed him. They were even afraid of going to the toilet together la….ok la maybe I was too, but that was because I was freaked out…by them.
We then played a few games of winning eleven, had dinner (satay, roti john, pizza again and soup) and watched Simpsons. Before we knew it, it was 11 pm already. 12 hours at Charlton’s place leh…and I was late for my curfew. Me, Manfred and Jit Hin went back together. Manfred started talking about how cracking our necks will lead to us breaking it, don’t know if it’s true. Jit Hin wasn’t pleased about it.
Jit Hin: walao, can don’t talk about neck or not? Now make me think of the movie again
Manfred: its just the neck la, and it’s a fact
Me: its not even scary la…neck turn oni ma……
So this was our conversation during our journey, till Jit Hin managed to convince us to change it into something more pleasant, like school. After leaving Manfred at the bus stop, it was just me and Jit Hin. Luckily the MRT service wasn’t over, and I had Jit Hin to thank for catching probably the last train at that time. I got back to the hostel around 1 am, curfew supposed to be 11 pm. So I walked towards the hostel till I saw the guard. I immediately crept under the blocks placed on the roads for construction purposes and dialed Perret to save me. So down he came, but then I thought the guard had left. I climbed over the gates, sneaked in and walked.
Voice: hey you, wait!
Ok, not good. Guard noticed, guard chasing. So I ran to the lift, it opened, it closed. Whew, safe…..or so I thought. The door of the lift opened and the stoner guard was there.
Guard: you Julian George right?
Me: ah
Guard: you sneaked out and in just now
Me: yeah
Guard: why?
Me: I was hungry, so I went out to buy food
Guard: I’m going to have to tell the boarding master what you did
Me: har? But I just bought food oni wor…
Guard: so? You still sneaked out? You students ar….buy food so late at night
Me: can don’t tell or not?
Guard: no, you go back to your room
Me: har? ok….
It wasn’t good to lie la, but then if I didn’t I would have been in deeper shit. Anyway no confinement, just that I missed the Man U-Liverpool game the next night. Damn it…..luckily Man U won, 3-0. Haha….screw you Liverpool fans. Had to sent a message to my discipline teacher, incidentally my physics teacher telling him what I did, got a reply, ready to be skinned alive. Anyway that’s life…so the moral of the story is….don’t buy food after 11….
By the way, i found this blogger blogging about me...quite interesting la. some of it true, some of it not....its above this post, enjoy..........