Saturday, April 5, 2008

Winning isn't everything

Its still Friday….aiya, I’ll just get to the point where we played inter-hostel soccer la. The OM told us that we were having futsal today, supposedly for fun. When we got there, he said it was the inter-hostel competition…what the hell.

Anyway it was 4 v 4. We played 2 games against some school, forgot the name already. There was this big fella, damn buff, skills damn zai some more. We started well enough, and I got a goal after some gai dou shooting from the side. The ‘tai zhek lou’ keep on doing skill, damn hard to get the ball off him. Luckily his skills are only useful to him when he does it without moving forward, so there was no danger in letting them attack us.

Unfortunately, whichever way you see it, I accidentally injured the ‘TZL’. I was going to hit the ball away from his feet when he suddenly dragged the ball away. My momentum was in full swing and I couldn’t stop myself kicking his shin. He got injured, so I stopped play for foul. I didn’t want it to happen also la, my shin also kena, but luckily only below near the ankle, so not so pain. After the collision, TZL didn’t run much, but still did some skills.

We his the post so many times, me alone hitting it 4 times as we kept up the pace in the first half. In the second half, things changed as we grew tired, me especially. Damn, this is beginning to sound like a commentary…..anyway Wei Chen continued with last ditch challenges, Wei Jie did his job, and Perret subbed Dillon as keeper.

We won the match 2-0, the second goal an own goal from the keeper after I wasted time at the corner before kicking it to Wei Jie whose shot hit the post before rebounding off the keeper into the net.

I had a feeling that the TZL damn bu suang me already. Actually we were ok before this la, we played in the same team before, and he was quite a nice guy. But maybe because of my clumsy and MAYBE hard tackles that irritated him. While we were going for the ball, he pushed me down into the ground. It was nothing la, but then when he helped me up, he said ‘This game don’t so solo,’ didn’t know what he meant by that.

We played the second game later, with the OM joining their team because they were short of a player. We expected ourselves to lose this game, like we expected to lose the first game. It looked like it was true when they scored first. OM had to shoot 3 times just to get the ball past our keeper. To cut a long story short, we won the game 5-1, aggregate 7-1. 4 goals and 2 assist, not bad la, but then stamina damn suck. I shook TZL’s hand after the game, but I could tell it was just formality as it meant nothing to him la. Though we did win, I didn’t feel good about it. Maybe its time to change. Oh yeah, i 'slide tackled' almost everyone on the opponent team, even the OM. Not nice, but that one was for the confinement........

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